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The Junior Master Gardener program is an international youth gardening program of the university cooperative Extension network. JMG engages children in novel, “hands-on” group and individual learning experiences that provide a love of gardening, develop an appreciation for the environment, and cultivate the mind.
The Junior Master Gardener program is open to grades 3-5, and this after-school program is hosted by Georgia Mountains Master Gardeners. We were fortunate to receive a $500 grant from Georgia Master Gardeners Association, which funded improvements necessary to standardize the program and enable us to reach students at all three elementary schools in Lumpkin County. By rotating the mobile program into a different school each year, each elementary age student will have the opportunity to participate during one year. The permanent parts of the program (such as raised vegetable beds and other long-lasting fixtures) can be utilized by teachers to continue the program in years we are not in that school. The after-school program for 2019/2020 was held at Blackburn Elementary (though sadly curtailed by the Covid-19 pandemic). The Long Branch Elementary program scheduled for 2020/2021 has also been affected by Covid-19 restrictions.
As a result of the public health emergency due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Lumpkin County School System is not currently permitting the operation of after school activities including our program at Long Branch Elementary School..
As a result of the public health emergency due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Lumpkin County School System is not currently permitting the operation of after school activities including our program at Long Branch Elementary School..
The 2019-2020 program of Junior Master Gardeners came to a premature close because of the declaration of a public health emergency due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Today’s Junior Master Gardeners Program on attracting birds.
So much fun learning!
The “Diggin’ It” Garden Club at Lumpkin County Elementary School had a wonderful school year 2018/2019 and learned lots of fun things! Students planted (and harvested) potatoes and collard greens, and their school dietitian served them in the lunchroom. They learned about different types of soil, composting and vermiculture (worms!). There were several lessons about critters (both good and bad) including how to attract or discourage them, and students learned the importance of birds and pollinators. They learned about pruning, lots of different uses for plants and many ways of planting vegetable gardens. And students learned that there are lots of ways to propagate plants other than by planting seeds!
Potato Harvest
Collards Harvest
Junior Master Gardener’s new garden club sign posted at Lumpkin County Elementary School and the new storage building that was donated to the school and will be shared by JMG for storing their supplies.
Junior Master Gardeners with Carly the scarecrow
Junior Master Gardeners with Carly the scarecrow
Master Gardeners Betty Petrie and Nancy Goodyear with Carly the scarecrow
Don & Kathy Sawicki and Brita Borden led the class in painting bird houses at their lesson on February 5
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