What’s in your back yard? Vast communities of native plants have thrived in the woodland, wetland and prairie ecosystems of North Georgia for over two millions years. Undisturbed for centuries, native plants have worked in harmony to balance our natural resources that abate air pollution, maintain water quality, control soil erosion, and proliferate plants and wildlife. To know your native plants is to appreciate them for their esthetic, ecological and economic value and to work together as a community to sustain their “ecological carrying capacity” to sustain life on earth.
Margaret Byrd Rasmussen grew up in sleepy South Carolina town where family entertainment was all about nature,
Sunday afternoon road trips to the mountains or romping through the fields and woods of a 100-acre farm—chickens, cattle, goals, horses, turkeys, dogs..no cats.
Native Plant adventures began over 50 years ago with trekking trillium from the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia to the Oregon Trail of the Pacific Northwest to the Allegheny Mountains of Western New York. Eighteen years ago, trillium trekking led back to the foot hills of the Appalachian Mountains of Georgia—the fourth state in the nation for native plant species per square mile and rare threatened endangered species.
September 11th - Know Native Plants—Key to Conservation of North Georgia’s Pristine Natural Ecosystems by Margaret Rasmussen
November 13th– Christmas for the Birds by Connie Monroe
For further information, please call the local extension office at 706-864-2275
As part of our mission the GMMG (representing Lumpkin and Dawson counties) strives to present interesting and informational programs to the community on a regular basis. Special programs and presentations are scheduled for the general meetings held on the second Monday of every other month starting in March. (March, May, July, September & November)
Georgia Mountains Master Gardener programs are held at Lumpkin County Parks & Recreation, 365 Riley Road, Dahlonega, GA 30533 and are open to the public. There is no cost to attend, light refreshments will be served.
For further information, please call the local extension office at 706-864-2275
All about Mushrooms presented by Brian Hale on Monday, May 10 2021
Sustainable Gardening presented by Becky Griffin on Monday, July 12 2021
CANCELLED The Art of Gardening & Beekeeping presented by Sarah Moran on Monday, September 12 2021
CANCELLED The Art of Gardening & Beekeeping presented by Sarah Moran on Monday, November 8 2021
CANCELLED Mushrooms presented by Brian Hale on Monday, May 11 2020
CANCELLED Composting presented by Peri Gordon on Monday, July 13 2020
CANCELLED Butterflies and Pollinators presented by Jo Anne Goldenburg on Monday, September 14 2020
CANCELLED Gift ideas from the garden for the holidays presented by GMMG members on Monday, November 9 2020
This program gives an interesting overview of the plants the Master Gardeners have chosen to offer this year in the Plant Sale. It covers not just the plants themselves, but also tips on what to plant where, how certain plants can solve problems in the yard, and how these plants can fit in with past purchases. Discover why certain plants are chosen by GMMG members and how to make informed decision on what to plant in your garden paradise. Come with questions in mind and get the answers you need from the MGs present!
One of our local Master Gardeners, Nici Angell, is known not just for her love of nature, but also for her art in many mediums. Often requested as a speaker, she brings knowledge with humor in a wide range of topics. Since moving to Dahlonega 10 years ago, Nici has been involved in the Friends of the Dahlonega Gold Museum, Gold Country Squares (square dancing), Gold Diggers Garden Club, Lumpkin County Historical Society, and the Georgia Mountains Master Gardeners. For many their first sight of Nici is when she strolls through town during events in hoop skirts or bustle dresses she has sewn herself. Others know her best for her paintings and handmade jewelry. But to fellow gardeners, her knowledge of the natural world and how to explain it (from her biology degree) is the part of her they appreciate the most.
All Things Weeds presented by Lumpkin County Extension Agent Clark MacAllister on Monday, May 13 2019
Food Production presented by Ann Carder on Monday, July 8 2019
Invasive Species presented by Nici Angell on Monday, September 9 2019
Why do we feed birds? presented by Yvonne Bombadier on Monday, November 11 2019
Raised Bed Gardening presented by Sandy Asbill on Monday, March 12 2018
History of the Cherokee Rose presented by Donna Whitfield on Monday, May 14 2018
Permaculture presented by Lisa Sweet on Monday, July 9 2018
Heritage Winter Gardening Practices “Wintergreens: An Appalachian strategy for surviving til spring” presented by Rosann Kent on Monday, September 10 2018
Composting presented by Peri Gordon on Monday, November 12 2018
Dr. Donna Whitfield & GMMG 2018-2020 President Lisa Hall
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